Sunday, July 15, 2007

TRN's for the week of July 16









Anonymous said...

Hi Team,

Everyone please take note that your S3 analytical sketches and S4 of each aspect should be as rich with data as you can make it, specifically AI, EI, T, IT and even the AOL & AOL/S..... those descriptive words and analogies will help us to identify the targets easier. Please also label each aspect on the site template as (i.e. [X], [A], [B], etc) so we kjow what aspect is associated with the data from the S4's. It will go a long way toward identifying those city features. If any one has any questions at all just let the PM know and if he can't answer it I'll be happy to help out.

Go forth and do great things,


Anonymous said...

Excellent points Mike.... Thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

Hey Team,

what does everyone think of a Thursday night conference call so we can do a group analysis on our work? I can use my company cell phone as it has conference capabilities and I can call everyone so it is on the company "dime" not ours? All we would need is to schedule the time.

Let me or the PM know. I think ya'll have my email right?
